Clarifying Questions for RFP

AMO Indigenous Action Plan 
Request for Proposals
Summary of Clarifying Questions

The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), in its Request for Proposal (RFP) process for the development of the Associations Indigenous Action Plan, provided an opportunity for interested proponents to submit questions by June 10, 2024, 4:00 p.m.

AMO has also committed to providing the questions and our responses to proponents and to post the same information on the RFP webpage.

•    Questions to be received no later than 4:00 p.m. EST June 10 via email at: 
•    AMO will consolidate all questions and answers in one document that will be circulated to proponents and posted on AMO’s website by 4:00 p.m. EST June 14.
•     Proponents must confirm receipt of RFP question and answer document in their submission (page 10)


AMO received two questions.


Is there a maximum budget for this initiative? Our proposed workplans vary in scope and budget, so having this information will support the preparation of a right-sized approach. 

If there is no maximum budget, are there any recent strategic planning projects conducted by AMO that could provide a reference point, in the budget spent on these similar initiatives? 

Thank you for your question. Based on recent work, we are anticipating in the range of $150,000-$200,000.


I would like to submit the following questions regarding the AMO Indigenous Action Plan RFP.

1.  How many staff members at AMO?

R:  50

2.  Are there expectations for a certain number or percentage of municipalities for in-person engagement? For virtual engagement? 

R: No, there is no specific expectation regarding a number as much as ensuring representation of municipalities (urban, rural, small urban etc.) engaged to ensure perspective and realities are understood.

3. Is AMO amenable to an online survey to reach the widest number of municipalities?         

R: Yes

4. Which First Nations are represented by the AMO Indigenous Advisory Group? Where are the Inuit and Metis representatives from/currently living? 

R: Currently, the IAC is comprised of Indigenous organizations as well as elected officials and municipal staff. The organizations represented are: ONWA, OFIFC, MNO, Wendy Landry, AMO Board member and Mayor of Shuniah, Melanie Pilon, Mayor of Wawa, Councillor Kristin Murray of Timmins, Eddy Robinson of Halton Region and Bryan Hill of Waterloo.


5. Since its inception in April 2023, has the IAG produced any reports or research, that will be made available to the successful proponent? If yes, please describe.

R: The IAC is providing guidance and insight into AMO’s work on Indigenous-municipal relations, AMO’s Indigenous reconciliation work and support of members. It is not tasked to produce reports or research as it has an advisory role.


Key Dates:
•    Request for RFP issued – June 4  
•    Questions/Clarifications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. – June 10. 
•    Full RFP submissions due – June 28
•    Evaluation and recommendation period including interviews if necessary – July 2-5
•    Bidding companies notified of results – July 12