Join AMO

AMO has several categories of Members and Supporters: Municipal Members; Associate Supporters; Affiliate Supporters; Not- for-Profit and For-Profit Supporters. Please contact for an application form.

Benefits of AMO membership

Supporter Benefits

  • Immediate access to the AMO Watchfile newsletter, Breaking News/Policy Updates, Media Releases and other AMO communication. These AMO member communications give you an insider’s look and advance notice on emerging municipal issues and developing provincial government policies and directions.
  • Member registration rates for the AMO Annual Conference. The AMO Conference is held each August.
  • Member rates on job ad publishing on the AMO website and AMO Watchfile.
  • Listing on AMO website

Municipal Member Fees  

Terms of membership

All supporter applications are subject to the approval of the AMO management. AMO reserves the right to refuse membership at our own discretion and without justification.

Members and Supporters

Municipal Members

For a link to all 444 Ontario municipalities with their websites, click Ontario Municipalities

Township of Adelaide Metcalfe
Township of Adjala-Tosorontio
Township of Admaston/Bromley
Town of Ajax
Township of Alberton
Township of Alfred and Plantagenet
Township of Algonquin Highlands
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Township of Amaranth
Town of Amherstburg
Township of Armour
Township of Armstrong
Town of Arnprior
Municipality of Arran-Elderslie
Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
Township of Asphodel-Norwood
Township of Assiginack
Town of Atikokan
Township of Augusta
Town of Aurora
Town of Aylmer
Town of Bancroft
City of Barrie
Municipality of Bayham
Township of Beckwith
City of Belleville
Township of Billings
Township of Black River-Matheson
Township of Blandford-Blenheim
Town of Blind River
Municipality of Bluewater
Township of Bonfield
Township of Bonnechere Valley
Town of Bracebridge
Town of Bradford-West Gwillimbury
City of Brampton
County of Brant
City of Brantford
Township of Brethour
Municipality of Brighton
Township of Brock
Municipality of Brockton
City of Brockville
Township of Brooke-Alvinston
Town of Bruce Mines
County of Bruce
Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan
Village of Burk's Falls
City of Burlington
Township of Burpee & Mills
Town of Caledon
Municipality of Callander
Township of Calvin
City of Cambridge
Town of Carleton Place
Township of Carling
Township of Carlow/Mayo
Village of Casselman
Township of Cavan Monaghan
Municipality of Central Elgin
Township of Central Frontenac
Municipality of Central Huron
Township of Central Manitoulin
Municipality of Centre Hastings
Township of Centre Wellington
Township of Chamberlain
Township of Chapleau
Township of Chapple
Municipality of Charlton and Dack
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Township of Chatsworth
Township of Chisholm
City of Clarence-Rockland
Municipality of Clarington
Township of Clearview
Town of Cobalt
Town of Cobourg
Town of Cochrane
Township of Coleman
Town of Collingwood
Township of Conmee
City of Cornwall
Township of Cramahe
Township of Dawn-Euphemia
Town of Deep River
Town of Deseronto
Township of Dorion
Township of Douro-Dummer
Township of Drummond/North Elmsley
City of Dryden
Township of Dubreuilville
County of Dufferin
Regional Municipality of Durham
Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich
Township of Dysart Et Al
Township of Ear Falls
Township of East Ferris
Township of East Garafraxa
Town of East Gwillimbury
Township of East Hawkesbury
Township of East Zorra-Tavistock
Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal
County of Elgin
Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley
City of Elliot Lake
Township of Emo
Town of Englehart
Town of Erin
Town of Espanola
Township of Essa
County of Essex
Town of Essex
Township of Evanturel
Township of Faraday
Township of Fauquier-Strickland
Town of Fort Erie
Town of Fort Frances
Municipality of French River
Township of Front of Yonge
Township of Frontenac Islands
County of Frontenac
Separated Town of Gananoque
Township of Georgian Bay
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Town of Georgina
Township of Gillies
Town of Goderich
Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island
Town of Gore Bay
Town of Grand Valley
Town of Gravenhurst
Township of Greater Madawaska
Town of Greater Napanee
City of Greater Sudbury
Municipality of Greenstone
Municipality of Grey Highlands
County of Grey
Town of Grimsby
City of Guelph
Township of Guelph/Eramosa
Haldimand County
County of Haliburton

Town of Halton Hills
Region of Halton
City of Hamilton
Township of Hamilton
Town of Hanover
Township of Harley
Township of Harris
Municipality of Hastings Highlands
County of Hastings
Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen
Town of Hawkesbury
Township of Head, Clara & Maria
Town of Hearst
Municipality of Highlands East
Township of Hillard 
Township of Hilton
Township of Hornepayne
Township of Horton
Township of Howick
Town of Huntsville
Municipality of Huron East
Municipality of Huron Shores
County of Huron
Township of Huron-Kinloss
Township of Ignace
Town of Ingersoll
Town of Innisfil
Town of Iroquois Falls
Township of Jocelyn
Township of Joly
Township of Johnson
Town of Kapuskasing
City of Kawartha Lakes
Town of Kearney
City of Kenora
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards
Municipality of Killarney
Municipality of Kincardine
Township of King
City of Kingston
Town of Kingsville
Town of Kirkland Lake
City of Kitchener
Township of Laird
Township of Lake of Bays
Town of Lakeshore
Municipality of Lambton Shores
County of Lambton
Township of Lanark Highlands
County of Lanark
Township of Larder Lake
Town of LaSalle
Town of Latchford
Town of Laurentian Hills
Township of Laurentian Valley
Township of LaVallee
Municipality of Leamington
Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands
County of Lennox & Addington
Township of Limerick
Town of Lincoln
City of London
Loyalist Township
Township of Lucan Biddulph
Township of Machar
Township of Machin
Township of Madawaska Valley
Township of Madoc
Township of Malahide
Township of Manitouwadge
Township of Mapleton
Town of Marathon
City of Markham
Municipality of Markstay-Warren
Municipality of Marmora and Lake
Township of Matachewan
Town of Mattawa
Township of Mattawan
Township of Mattice - Val Côté
Municipality of McDougall
Township of McGarry
Township of McKellar
Township of McNab/Braeside
Municipality of Meaford
Township of Melancthon
Village of Merrickville-Wolford
Township of Middlesex Centre
County of Middlesex
Town of Midland
Town of Milton
Township of Minden Hills
Town of Minto
City of Mississauga
Town of Mississippi Mills
Town of Mono
Township of Montague
Township of Moonbeam
Town of Moosonee
Township of Morley
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry
Township of Mulmur
Township of Muskoka Lakes
District of Muskoka
Township of Nairn & Hyman
Municipality of Neebing
Town of New Tecumseth
Town of Newmarket
City of Niagara Falls
Region of Niagara
Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
Township of Nipigon
Township of Nipissing
Norfolk County
Township of North Algona Wilberforce
City of North Bay
Township of North Dumfries
Township of North Dundas
Township of North Frontenac
Township of North Glengarry
Municipality of North Grenville
Township of North Huron
Township of North Kawartha
Municipality of North Middlesex
Town of North Perth
Township of North Stormont
Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
County of Northumberland
Township of Norwich
Township of O'Connor
Town of Oakville
Village of Oil Springs
Township of Oliver Paipoonge
Township of Opasatika
Town of Orangeville
City of Orillia
Township of Oro-Medonte
City of Oshawa
Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan
City of Ottawa
City of Owen Sound

County of Oxford
Township of Papineau-Cameron
Town of Parry Sound
Region of Peel
Township of Pelee
Town of Pelham
City of Pembroke
Town of Penetanguishene
Township of Perry
Township of Perth East
Township of Perth South
County of Perth
Town of Perth
Town of Petawawa
City of Peterborough
County of Peterborough
Town of Petrolia
City of Pickering
Township of Pickle Lake
Town of Plympton-Wyoming
Village of Point Edward
City of Port Colborne
Municipality of Port Hope
Municipality of Powassan
Separated Town of Prescott
Township of Prince
County of Prince Edward
Township of Puslinch
City of Quinte West
Town of Rainy River
Township of Ramara
Municipality of Red Lake
Township of Red Rock
County of Renfrew
Town of Renfrew
City of Richmond Hill
Township of Rideau Lakes
Township of Russell
Township of Ryerson
Township of Sables - Spanish Rivers
City of Sarnia
Town of Saugeen Shores
City of Sault Ste. Marie
Township of Schreiber
Township of Scugog
Township of Seguin
Township of Selwyn
Township of Severn
Town of Shelburne
Township of Shuniah
County of Simcoe
Municipality of Sioux Lookout
Township of Sioux Narrows - Nestor Falls
Separated Town of Smiths Falls
Town of Smooth Rock Falls
Township of South Algonquin
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Municipality of South Bruce
Township of South Dundas
Township of South Frontenac
Township of South Glengarry
Municipality of South Huron
Village of South River
Township of South Stormont
Township of South-West Oxford
Township of Southgate
Township of Southwold
Municipality of Southwest Middlesex
Town of Spanish
Township of Springwater
City of St. Catharines
Municipality of St. Charles
Township of St. Clair
Township of St. Joseph
Town of St. Marys
City of St. Thomas
Township of Stirling-Rawdon
Township of Stone Mills
City of Stratford
Township of Strathroy-Caradoc
Township of Strong
Village of Sundridge
Tay Valley Township
Township of Tay
Township of Tarbutt
Town of Tecumseh
Township of Tehkummah
Municipality of Temagami
City of Temiskaming Shores
Township of Terrace Bay
Municipality of Thames Centre
Township of The Archipelago
Town of The Blue Mountains
Municipality of The Nation
Township of The North Shore
Town of Thessalon
City of Thorold
City of Thunder Bay
Town of Tillsonburg
City of Timmins
Township of Tiny
Municipality of Trent Hills
Municipality of Trent Lakes
Township of Tudor & Cashel
Municipality of Tweed
Township of Tyendinaga
United Counties of Leeds & Grenville
United Counties of Prescott & Russell
United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
Township of Uxbridge
Township of Val Rita-Harty
City of Vaughan
Township of Wainfleet
Township of Warwick
Town of Wasaga Beach
City of Waterloo
Region of Waterloo
Municipality of Wawa
City of Welland
Township of Wellesley
Township of Wellington North
County of Wellington
Municipality of West Elgin
Municipality of West Grey
Township of West Lincoln
Municipality of West Nipissing
Municipality of West Perth
Village of Westport
Town of Whitby
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Township of White River
Municipality of Whitestone
Township of Whitewater Region
Township of Wilmot
City of Windsor
Township of Wollaston
City of Woodstock
Township of Woolwich
Region of York
Township of Zorra

Affiliate Supporters

Associate Supporters

Not-for-Profit Supporters

Not-for-Profit organizations that would like to receive communications regarding municipal issues may become a Not-for-Profit Supporter. Annual Fee: $1,864.50 ($1,650.00+ $214.50 HST)

For-Profit Supporters

For-Profit organizations that would like to receive communications regarding municipal issues may become a For-Profit Supporter. Annual Fee: For more information, please contact our Business Development Manager.


AMO seeks relationships with partners whose mission and values are compatible with AMO’s work and its core values. AMO maintains successful partnerships with organizations that offer products, services, and resources to municipal governments. Together, we promote innovative and proven solutions to strengthen local governments and their communities in Ontario.

AMO represents most of Ontario’s 444 municipal governments. Our membership includes northern, central, southwestern, eastern, and GTHA region municipalities representing nearly 80% of the population of Ontario. AMO advocates on issues on behalf of Ontario’s municipal governments that affect all of our members.

As an AMO partner, you can expect:

  • A customized relationship tailored to corporate needs
  • Preferred partner status of your service to Ontario’s municipal governments
  • Access and profile to AMO membership
  • A commitment to identify and demonstrate measures of success that are unique to each partnership.
  • Stronger understanding of broad range of municipal challenges in Ontario
  • Opportunity to interact with a solution-driven municipal sector

Who are AMO’s partners?

  • Responsible corporate citizens that support AMO’s values and work
  • Leaders in innovation for services that help the sector
  • Active supporters of the role of municipal government in Ontario

Municipal sector Quick Facts:

  • 2,864 municipal elected positions and 157,000 municipal staff in Ontario
  • $46.2 billion combined operational expenditures in 2018
  • $11.4 billion combined capital expenditures in 2018

AMO Quick Facts:

  • AMO was founded in 1899
  • 420 municipal members in AMO
  • 43 Board of Directors who set AMO policy agenda to reflect the priorities of Ontario’s municipal governments
  • Over 3,250 municipal elected officials and senior municipal staff connected with at AMO events in 2017
  • 30 years of experience AMO has in delivering programs, services, and events in Ontario


4S logo An innovative Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) advisory firm, 4S is the only workplace safety services provider that helps its clients build a strong and sustainable safety culture. 4S helps its clients build strong and sustainable programs through three major pillars – 4SafeCom™ online safety management software, OHS consulting, and training. 4S’ revolutionary approach of tightly integrating software, consulting, and training from senior management to frontline workers has been making a difference for its clients when building a sustainable safety culture.
ClearRisk logo ClearRisk is a credible provider of highly configurable risk management solutions, built for the needs of public sector organizations in North America. ClearRisk’s centralized system streamlines claims/incident data collection, integrates with third parties, automates workflows, tracks insurance policies and certificates, and manages assets and vehicles. ClearRisk’s solution gives our municipal customers the confidence to inform decision making, focus on big-picture initiatives, and optimize internal risk management programs. Effective risk management begins with data you can trust.
Cloudpermit logo Cloudpermit is a SaaS (software-as-a-service) company that provides smart software solutions for community development. Cloudpermit empowers local governments, development communities, and the public with online land management processes for building permitting and planning. For additional information, please visit
GHD Logo One-stop shop for municipal websites. An industry leader in providing AODA and WCAG 2.0 accessible and responsive digital solutions. With a team of more than 80 dedicated staff members proven in project management, they are committed to providing a professional, structured and fulfilling client experience. With more than 350 public sector clients across North America and over 20 years of experience and expertise.
Intact logo Intact Public Entities is a leader in providing specialized insurance programs, including risk management and claims services to municipalities, healthcare, education, community, children’s and social service organizations across Canada. Proven industry knowledge, gained through 90 years of partnering with insurance companies and independent brokers, gives Intact Public Entities the ability to effectively manage the necessary risk, advisory and claims services for both standard and complex issues.
Municipal World logo Municipal World’s offerings align with AMO’s commitment to effective, sustainable, and responsive municipal government. Municipal World has been dedicated to empowering Canadian municipalities since 1891, making it one of the longest-running municipal resources in North America. This partnership strengthens our mutual goal of advancing knowledge and solutions within Ontario’s municipal sector and supporting leaders in making informed, community-focused decisions to strengthen Ontario’s municipalities.
Notarius logo Established in 1996, Notarius provides solutions that safeguard the long-term reliability of digital records. Since its creation, Notarius has positioned itself as a Canadian market leader by ensuring the integrity and authenticity of official documents for transactions between a wide variety of professionals, business partners, clients, municipalities and government agencies. 
Vayle logo AMO has partnered with Vayle to offer a cost-effective digital platform to streamline FOI program management, reduce costs, and mitigate compliance risks. Vayle FOI  is currently used to process approximately one in four FOI requests for Ontario municipal entities. Platform subscribers range from small municipalities to large volume processor municipalities and police agencies.


What opportunities do corporate partners receive?
As a preferred partner, your organization will receive unparalleled access to AMO’s membership. There are different levels of engagement that we can tailor to your organization. For example, the trade show at the AMO Conference, sponsorship of a specific event, or a full partnership to engage with our members throughout the year.  

Is there a financial commitment?
AMO will work with our partners to tailor partnerships to your organization. We will work with our partners to find opportunities that are appropriate and consider budgets.

Where can I get a sponsorship partnership package?
AMO will work to customize the specific corporate objectives of our partners while considering the needs of our members. There is no generic package. We believe that the best way to build a partnership is to tailor the experience that works for both your organization and AMO.

What’s the first step?
Reach out to the Business Development Manager, contact information provided below.


AMO Members and Supporters
Petra Wolfbeiss
Director Membership Centre
T 416.971.9856 x404
TF 1.877.426.6527
AMO Partnerships
Meagan Khan
Business Development Manager
T 416.971.9856 x333
TF 1.877.426.6527