
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s (AMO) annual conference is a prime opportunity to connect with the municipal sector on all their business and service needs. The AMO Conference is your opportunity to meet directly with Ontario’s municipal decision makers and a sector that contributes over $68 billion annually to our province's economy.

AMO’s members have a vital role in the economic prosperity and quality of life in communities across Ontario. The Annual Conference is your opportunity to support the sector in doing so. If you are thinking about sponsoring the conference, here are a few additional reasons to consider:

  • AMO represents all of Ontario’s 444 municipalities-our members are municipally elected officials.
  • 40% of Canadians are a resident of an AMO member municipality.
  • Ontario’s municipal governments invest $68 billion annually in important public services and infrastructure.
  • Meet municipal councillors and senior municipal officials, the decision makers for municipal purchasing and investment, from every part of Ontario.
  • AMO’s membership is diverse and provides a wide range of services to communities across Ontario. (large urban, small urban, county, regional & single tier, northern, rural and City of Toronto).

Download the Sponsorship Package for full details.

Please review the AMO Sponsorship Policy.

Contact: Petra Wolfbeiss, Director Membership Centre, at pwolfbeiss@amo.on.ca