We All Win

Democracy is healthy when everyone is able to participate fully and safely in the development and wellbeing of their communities. Better decisions are made when the voices of diverse genders and identities, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, ages, and abilities are heard and represented around Ontario’s municipal council tables. 

The We All Win stream of work will promote greater diversity, support AMO members in their efforts to be equity-informed leaders, and provide the resources, training and tools to support candidates and elected municipal officials who experience harm or abuse online or elsewhere. 


We All Win Objectives

  • Increase diversity on municipal councils to be more reflective of Ontario's diversity.
  • Support AMO members through their diversity, equity, and inclusion journey.
  • Elected officials are equity-informed leaders.
  • People running for office don’t feel alone and have recourse.


Relevant AMO Training

AMO continues to offer and develop training opportunities that include examining issues related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Here are some offerings that align with this stream of work. As AMO continues to work through this project we will identify and create new training opportunities where gaps are identified to meet the needs of our members. 


We All Win Resources, Videos, Articles

Resource Highlight:

Online Abuse in Local Elections






Thinking of running for municipal office? Here are some resources that can help:

Organizations that support candidates:

  • Operation Black Vote Canada provides hands on training to support Black candidates in federal, provincial and municipal elections.
  • The Canadian Muslim Vote is a national, non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization that aims to increase civic engagement of Canadian Muslims through community outreach and education.
  • ProudPolitics supports political advocacy for 2S LGBTQ+ including support for candidates.
  • Women in Politics Thunder Bay and PoliNOW connect and supports women in parts of northern Ontario run for municipal office.
  • ElectHER Now connects people with women in the Grey-Bruce region who are currently or have previously served in municipal elected office.
  • The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ CanWILL program promotes gender parity and more diversity on municipal council.
  • Municipal Campaign School (Guelph, Oxford County, Wellington County area) a volunteer-led initiative to encourage and support members of underrepresented communities, including women, Indigenous, Black, racialized and youth members of our community, to run for office.
  • Politics Now - Electing Women in the North. A grassroots organisation that amplifies, engages and empowers women in politics all over Northern Ontario.
  • The Jean Collective—a women in politics initiative that supported 20 women who ran for municipal office in Lambton County, Ontario in 2022.
  • Ottawa’s City for All Women Initiative
  • Run 4 Office Waterloo Region intends to increase the number of persons who identify as Black who run for political office, in Waterloo Region.
  • NOMINEE: Nominee empowers people traditionally sidelined by politics to step up to the stage through a community of mentors and educational resources.
  • The Institute for Future Legislators from Toronto Metropolitan University

Sites about democratic equity:

AMO's election results analysis and municipal information:

Disclaimer/About these links:

The articles, videos, resources, and organizations listed here do not necessarily reflect AMO positions or policies. They are intended to continue our collective learning and act as the basis for good, healthy conversations about how to foster a healthy democracy in Ontario municipalities.