Municipal Codes of Conduct Legislation
As the most trusted and transparent level of government, accountability is a core value of the municipal sector. For years, municipalities have called on the province for better tools to codify and enforce higher standards of accountability for elected officials. These tools are needed to reinforce the accountability of the municipal sector and to support a safe and respectful work environment for members of council and for municipal staff.
Legislation was promised three years ago following an extensive public consultation process that concluded in fall 2021. If passed and once regulations are finalized, this legislation will largely deliver on that promise by:
- enabling standardization of municipal codes of conduct and integrity commissioner investigation processes;
- creating a role for the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario in municipal codes of conduct and integrity commissioner matters; and
- establishing a mechanism to remove and disqualify from office members of council and certain local boards for the most serious violations.
AMO welcomes this legislation that responds to what municipalities’ have consistently requested. AMO will review the details in the bill and engage fully in the legislative process during the next legislative session. Members should be aware that the bill will not become law if the Premier calls an election before the bill passes.
“Municipal councils in Ontario have asked for legislation that holds elected officials to a higher standard of accountability. If passed, this bill would deliver on ensuring that, as members of council, we are living up to the trust that residents put in us. We commend Minister Calandra for getting to this point.” – Robin Jones, AMO President and Mayor of Westport
“Municipal government is the most trusted, open and transparent order of government. This bill, if passed, will help municipal councils fulfil their commitment a higher standard of accountability, and to address situations of serious misconduct when they arise.” – Brian Rosborough, AMO Executive Director