With an early election in Ontario now underway, this page will track commitments made public that relate to AMO’s election advocacy. The language used to describe campaign commitments may be paraphrased from the cited sources. This is not intended to be a full list of commitments made by each party. Please consult each party’s website and local candidate communications for the full party commitments.
Last Update: February 25, 2025
Tackle root causes of homelessness
Progressive Conservative (PC) |
- Provide municipalities and police with new resources and enforcement tools to address homeless encampments and crack down on illegal drug use in parks and public spaces.
- Pass the Safer Municipalities Act to increase penalties on people who continually and deliberately trespass on private and public lands in illegal encampments, and specifically banning the consumption of illegal drugs in all public spaces and encampments.
- Continue to increase ODSP payments annually by the rate of inflation.
New Democratic Party (NDP) |
- Implement Homes Ontario, which will use grants, low-cost public financing, public land, fast-tracked approvals, and other supports to enable the construction, acquisition, and repair of at least 300,000 permanently affordable homes.
- Create 60,000 new supportive housing units, allowing people living in encampments or the shelter system to move into a safe, permanent home, while connecting them to mental healthcare, addiction treatment and other ongoing supports.
- Upload shelter funding to the province. This will reverse decades of cuts and downloads imposed on cash-strapped municipalities, while maintaining locally focused service delivery.
- Work with the Federal government to boost the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit and help more people move out of shelters into homes, freeing up shelter beds in the process.
- Bring in rent control to protect tenants and maintain the existing supply of affordable homes.
- Double social assistance rates for ODSP and ODP and boost the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit program to help more people move out of shelters and into homes, freeing up shelter beds.
- Work with municipalities to create incentives for affordable housing in the marketplace, including development charge easements.
- Update zoning and planning rules to make it easier and cheaper to build all types of new homes, including legalizing more affordable options like semis, townhomes and fourplex apartments in all neighbourhoods and mid-rises near transit as-of-right.
- Modernize building codes and design rules, establish a provincial catalogue of pre-approved housing designs, create more housing near transit and arterial roads and speed up the conversion of underutilized offices and commercial spaces to homes.
Liberal |
- Permanently double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits and index them to inflation.
- Provide wraparound support to help people recover from addictions, including rapidly building supportive housing units.
- Establish the Rental Emergency Support for Tenants (REST) Fund, a provincial rent bank to provide short-term, interest-free loans for tenants facing financial emergencies to prevent evictions and homelessness.
- Introduce fair, phased-in rent control.
- Get more co-op and rental apartments built by removing Community Benefits Charges.
Green |
- Support AMO’s calls for long-term housing solutions that would end homelessness in Ontario by housing people and providing low-barrier healthcare supports and will continue to advocate for deeply affordable, non-market housing solutions.
- Phase in a Basic Income, with the first step being to at least double the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) rates and get rid of aggressive and unfair clawbacks, including clawbacks from the Canada Disability Benefit.
Eliminate any unnecessary red tape, reporting requirements, and other barriers typically faced by those needing financial support
Remove ODSP from the purview of Employment Ontario
Ensure shelter allowances reflect the shelter costs where people live
Immediately support people living in encampments with their housing and support needs until permanent housing solutions are built and resume the homelessness census to ensure the creation of sustainable, long-term solutions.
Work with non-profits to build 250,000 new affordable non-profit and co-op homes and 60,000 permanent supportive homes with guaranteed funding for mental health, addictions and other supports.
Utilize a Housing First model to ensure that stable, permanent housing solutions are the first priority when helping those in need.
Engage people who have lived experience with homelessness in program development.
Create an inter-ministerial working group to ensure government investments targeting homelessness are coordinated, appropriately funded and provide long-term solutions.
Build an adequate data system for housing indicators in Ontario that captures the underlying trends of people with unmet housing needs.
Deploy temporary and permanent supportive modular housing projects on provincially owned land as quickly as possible. Create tax credits and investment funds to help advance these housing technologies.
Increase annual funding for women’s shelters as well as safe and accessible transitional and supportive housing options for women and their families. Ensure transitional housing is culturally appropriate.
Update the Planning Act, Provincial Planning Statement and other applicable laws and regulations to expand zoning permissions to allow for fourplexes and four storeys as-of-right within existing urban boundaries and sixplexes in cities with populations over 500,000.
Require municipalities to permit developments with the use of pre-approved building designs.
Prioritize and speed up the development approval processes for projects led by or in partnership with non-profit housing providers, and provide low-interest loans via a new revolving fund.
Work with all levels of government to include affordable housing developments above transit stations and on transit station surface parking lots.
Update building codes and land use planning laws, financial tools, tax powers, and funding programs to incentivise the use of faster, lower-cost, and labour-efficient construction methods and sustainable material.
Set uniform provincial standards for urban design and remove onerous rules around floor space index, setbacks, and angular planes that are barriers to building missing middle and midrise housing.
Update provincial planning laws to prezone for missing middle and midrise housing ranging from 6-11 storeys on transit corridors and major streets in large urban centres with populations over 100,000.
Change planning laws to ensure various building types can be built along main streets, transit stations and corridors, public lands, surplus commercial lands, and residential neighbourhoods to ensure there is a livable mix of housing in all neighbourhoods.
Reverse changes to the Provincial Planning Statement that encourage sprawl and instead prioritize housing where roads and sewers already exist.
Remove development charges on homes, condos and apartment units built under 2,000 sq ft within urban boundaries and implement an Affordable Community Fund to reimburse municipalities for lost revenue.
Curb reliance on municipal property taxes to fund provincial responsibilities
Progressive Conservative (PC) |
- Upload the Ottawa LRT, subject to due diligence, and integrate its operations under Metrolinx and support the building of Phase 3 to support connections to areas such as Kanata and Barrhaven.
- Focus municipal speed and red-light cameras on achieving legitimate safety outcomes in school and safety zones versus growing municipal revenues and ensure greater transparency on their placement.
New Democratic Party (NDP) |
- Upload the cost of housing, emergency shelters, and homelessness prevention programs back to the province, while maintaining locally focused delivery through municipal service managers.
- Upload “connecting link” highways back to the province.
Liberal |
Green |
Grant municipalities autonomy to implement revenue tools to fund critical infrastructure needs and services.
Upload costs to the province that had previously been unfairly downloaded onto municipalities like community housing, shelters, and transit funding.
Provide dedicated and ongoing funding to municipalities to address the mental health and addictions crisis.
Reinstate upper-tier regional planning authority to ensure coordinated and sustainable planning to build the housing we need while protecting agricultural and natural heritage.
Increase collaboration and consultation between municipalities and the province.
Assess the use of City Charters as a mechanism to empower major Ontario cities, such as Toronto, and prevent inappropriate interference in local democracy by the provincial government.
Invest in local infrastructure needed to grow
Progressive Conservative (PC) |
- Invest more than $200 billion to build roads, highways, transit and other infrastructure projects, while investing $2.5 billion to train more than one million people for jobs in the skilled trades.
- Provide another $5 billion in capital investments for the Building Ontario Fund to provide loans for long-term care homes and affordable housing, along with energy, transportation, municipal and community infrastructure.
Invest another $2 billion in the Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program and $1 billion in the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund, bringing the total amount invested in these programs to more than $4 billion over the last two years.
Increase the Community Sport and Recreation Fund by $300 million to help build more rinks, arenas, sports centres and other community infrastructure.
Take tolls off Highway 407 East, which runs between Brock Road in Pickering and Highway 115 in Clarington.
Introduce legislation to ban the use of congestion prices on all provincial and municipal roadways.
Deliver a new driver and transit tunnel expressway under Highway 401.
Launch the Pothole Prevention Fund, which will support municipalities with road maintenance funds.
Continue to move forward with the Digital Infrastructure Twin program to map underground infrastructure like utilities, which will improve construction safety and support more efficient planning.
Build homes faster by standardizing development study requirements across the province, improving certainty by developing a province-wide tool to accelerate land use planning and Building Code permit approvals and ensuring all municipal standards are in compliance with the Ontario Building Code.
Upload municipal building approvals for provincially-led and/or provincially funded schools, hospitals, long-term care homes, courthouses, union training centres and other critical infrastructure projects.
Work with municipalities to leverage the province’s investments in housing-enabling infrastructure to bring a sustainable approach to development charges.
New Democratic Party (NDP) |
- Provide municipalities with adequate, predictable, and consistent formula-based provincial funding so they are able to maintain, snow clear, and repair their roads, bridges, and other infrastructure, with additional support for small and northern muncipalities.
- Make municipal transit service more reliable, frequent, affordable and accessible for riders by restoring 50% provincial funding for municipal transit and paratransit net operational costs.
- Accelerate the expansion of broadband internet infrastructure into Northern Ontario and cancel the $100 million contract with Starlink, replacing it with a Canadian alternative that offers better value and security for Ontario consumers.
Liberal |
- Scrap Development Charges on new middle-class housing and replace them with the Better Communities Fund to help municipalities cover infrastructure costs.
- Prioritize infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, roads, and public transit.
- Invest in municipal and regional road repair and maintenance, widen provincial highways in congested areas, upgrade winter maintenance of key provincial highways, fix and repair bridges and add turning lanes where needed.
- Reduce gridlock and invest in much-needed provincial projects, such as uploading and expanding the Ottawa LRT, electrifying and increasing GO service throughout the GTA and southwestern Ontario, and expediting the delivery of planned transit projects in Kitchener-Waterloo, Toronto, Mississauga and Brampton.
Green |
Provide $2 billion per year for capital spending for municipalities to build resilient infrastructure through a dedicated Climate Adaptation Fund.
Create a predictable, annual Infrastructure fund for safe walking, cycling and accessible mobility devices for municipalities. Stop the province from interfering with municipal transit plans like bike lanes.
Make billionaire fossil fuel companies pay municipalities for the right to use our land for their infrastructure.
Create a new long-term and predictable municipal funding transfer for rural and Northern communities to improve local roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.