National Housing Strategy
This morning, Ministers Fraser and Calandra announced that National Housing Strategy funding will continue to flow to Ontario as per the original agreement, ensuring that municipal and DSSAB investments in community housing are able to proceed as planned.
While AMO welcomes this news, recent events have highlighted the critical importance of collaborative relationships between federal, provincial and municipal governments to make progress on housing for low-income families and individuals. AMO continues to call for stronger relationships between all three orders of government to fundamentally re-think the way that community housing is funded in Ontario.
“AMO commends the federal and provincial governments for finding a way forward on National Housing Strategy implementation. The uncertainty that recent events generated for low-income individuals and families, as well as municipalities making long-term investments, is destabilizing for those with limited options. There is still much to be done to get deeply affordable housing on track in Ontario that requires partnership across all three orders of government.”
-- Colin Best, AMO President, Halton Regional Councillor