AMO’s Guidance Resources for Electricity Procurements
Municipalities have an increasingly important role hosting electricity projects as part of efforts to meet a projected 75% increase in electricity demand, and to support a major provincial priority.
To empower municipalities in this role, AMO has developed the resources below to help municipal decision makers protect residents, sensitive lands, and municipal finances while securing local benefits and supporting growth.
These resources were created with input from municipal staff, senior leaders, and elected officials that have previous considered proposed energy projects. Input was also provided by several provincial ministries, and energy partners including the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and energy project developers, and environmental and clean energy associations. This cross-sector approach helps ensure that this guidance includes a wide range of perspectives and resources.
Municipal Electricity Procurement Toolkit
AMO’s Municipal Electricity Procurement Toolkit can support municipal review and decisions on proposed energy projects. to help support informed decisions. It consolidates answers to common questions and highlights resources that municipalities found useful when engaging with energy developers and assessing proposed projects.
Guidance for Energy Developers
As a companion to the Municipal Electricity Procurement Toolkit, AMO has developed guidance for energy developers on how to effectively partner with municipalities to support smooth project review and implementation.
For additional resources and updates, review AMO's landing page for Energy.