Municipal Infrastructure, Gender-Based Violence and Unlicensed Event Spaces
Today, Ontario announced that it has awarded $970 million to 54 projects across 60 municipalities under the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (HEWSF). Under HEWSF, municipalities receive funding to develop, repair, rehabilitate and expand drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. Peel Region’s funding was announced today, and other approved projects will be announced in the coming weeks.
The province also announced an additional $250 million for a second intake of the program, opening on August 14. This includes the previously announced $120 million under the Building Faster Fund for municipalities without provincial housing targets. HEWSF projects announced today included $456 million to support 30 projects in small, rural and northern municipalities without housing targets.
Provincial investments in municipal infrastructure are critical as municipalities’ plan to invest over $250 billion in capital over the next decade. While municipalities own and manage more infrastructure than other levels of government combined, they have the fewest resources and tools to fund capital needs. Municipalities cannot do it alone and must rely on other levels of government.
Standing Committee Appearance on Bill 173, Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024
On July 31st, AMO appeared before the Standing Committee on Justice Policy’s study on Bill 173, Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024. The Bill, if passed, would declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in Ontario. This would implement the first recommendation of the Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest and follow the lead of AMO and 93 municipalities across the province in making this declaration.
As outlined in AMO’s submission, making this commitment concrete will require coordinated provincial action to address root causes and impacts on children, enhance system supports and culturally appropriate responses, improve data collection and analysis, and support the implementation of Community Safety and Well-Being Plans. AMO is working to support municipalities to take action against gender-based violence, focused on training for elected officials as well as partnership with Ontario Native Women’s Association and the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres to address violence against Indigenous women and girls.
Submission to Standing Committee on Policy on Land Use for Unlicensed Event Venues
AMO submitted written comments to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure, and Cultural Policy, highlighted the need to retain local planning authority and discretion around event venues and calling on the province for more resources to support enforcement.
AMO also highlighted a related issue on unlicensed trucking operations and dumping, urging the province to establish a strong monitoring and enforcement regime.