Gender-Based Violence Funding Programs, 2024 OCIF Allocation, School Capital Program Enhancements, 2023 Auditor General Annual Report
New Funding for Programs to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence
The provincial government is investing an additional $18.7 million this year to prevent and address violence against women and girls. This funding is part of Ontario’s $162 million agreement with the federal government through the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
This announcement responds to AMO’s advocacy on gender-based violence by strengthening critical services and supports, recognizing the importance of community-specific approaches, and committing to important reforms in the justice system. AMO looks forward to continuing our work with the province and other partners to address gender-based violence in Ontario.
2024 Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Allocation
2024 Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund allocation notices were sent to eligible municipalities on Friday, December 1st. Under the program, the province is providing $400 million to 425 small, rural and northern communities for core municipal systems such as roads, bridges, water and wastewater.
Allocations have not been made public yet. The government plans to update the Open Data site with this information later in December.
AMO welcomes the province's infrastructure investment. Sustaining these investments at current levels will be critical to enabling municipalities to deliver the services Ontarians depend on.
School Capital Program Enhancements
Minister Lecce announced changes to the school capital program designed to cut down the time to build schools and support better coordination with municipalities.
AMO welcomes these changes and the province’s recognition that growth requires strategies beyond housing to build complete communities.
Release of Auditor General’s 2023 Annual Report
The Auditor General’s 2023 Annual Report released on December 6 focused on a number of health-related priorities, including:
- Long-term care homes
- Emergency departments
- Hospitals in Northern Ontario
- Public Health Ontario
AMO participated in the value for-money audit of Long-Term Care Homes, highlighting in particular challenges with the high-cost of temporary staffing agencies, wage disparities with other health care settings, and importance of addressing the increasingly complex and acute service needs for residents. The audit found that long-term care homes lack the resources and supports to provide their residents with care and a living environment that is centered on their needs. AMO is supportive of recommendations to provide more proactive leadership, guidance and support from the Ministry and its system partners to address the systemic issues identified in the audit.