AMO Submits Report to Attorney General on Liability and Insurance Cost Reforms
On September 27, the AMO Board approved a submission on joint and several liability entitled, “Towards A Reasonable Balance: Addressing growing municipal liability and insurance costs.” Earlier today, AMO President Jamie McGarvey forwarded the report to the Attorney General, The Honourable Doug Downey for consideration.
Municipal councils are encouraged to endorse the report and its recommendations. The Ministry of the Attorney General has agreed to accept municipal resolutions up until November 1, 2019. Resolutions can be sent to the Attorney General at doug.downeyco@pc.ola.org and magpolicy@ontario.ca or by writing to:
The Honourable Doug Downey
Attorney General of Ontario
McMurtry-Scott Building,
720 Bay St, 11th Floor,
Toronto, ON
M7A 2S9
The report includes seven key recommendations on actions which the government could take to reduce the negative impact of joint and several liability. It builds on previous reports and resolutions submitted in 2010, 2011, and 2014. Please see the report for more details.
AMO thanks those municipalities that have contributed to the government’s consultation to date. If you have not already done so, please provide a copy of your submission to the AMO President at amopresident@amo.on.ca.