Picture of a municipal town hall

Call for Applications: AMO Board of Directors Large Urban Caucus

The AMO Board of Directors is seeking applications to fill one (1) vacant elected official position on the Large Urban Caucus.

AMO's Board of Directors is responsible for setting annual strategic objectives, setting the annual budget, establishing corporate policies/procedures, and reviewing, discussing, and approving AMO’s policy and program initiatives. 

Click here for information about Board members' role, time commitment, and information about expenses.


To apply, you must be an elected official (i.e. member of municipal council) from an AMO member municipality in good standing from a large urban municipality.

Large urban municipalities are typically considered to be lower-tier or single-tier municipalities with populations over 100,000.

From AMO By-law No. 1, Directors shall also:

  • Be an individual of eighteen (18) or more years of age;
  • Not have the status of bankrupt;
  • Not have been found under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act, 1990 to be incapable of managing property; and
  • Not have been found to be incapable by any court in Canada or elsewhere.

In addition to the above, no member municipality may be represented on the Board by more than one Director elected to the Board, except where the Director is appointed to the AMO Board due to another position (i.e. Chair or President of: AFMO, EOWC, FONOM, MARCO, NOMA, OBCM, OSUM, ROMA, WOWC). Click here for a list of current Board members and their municipality can be found here.

Application Requirements & Submission Details

To file your application you must submit:

  • A completed application form
  • A cover letter addressing your interest, skills, and experience to serve on the AMO Board of Directors
  • A resumé/CV

The successful applicant must also be prepared to attain and submit a resolution of their Council supporting their appointment. The resolution is not required until requested.

Applications will close Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

You must submit your application electronically by sending your documents to amoelections@amo.on.ca.


AMO Board Elections