E-scooters are increasingly common in the United States and other international jurisdictions where they have proven to be a popular form of transportation in local communities. Key to their success in these jurisdictions is the proactive role that municipal governments play in safely regulating their use.

AMO appreciates the opportunity to comment on Ontario’s Proposed E-scooter Pilot Framework. We look forward to working with the Ministry on e-scooter implementation in the time ahead. Given the short response window, we suggest as a next step that the ministry consult more broadly with municipal governments and key stakeholders to further flesh out the e-scooter pilot proposal, including by leveraging the AMO-Ontario MOU. This will make sure the proposal reflects local realities and prioritizes safety concerns as Ontario introduces a new mode of transportation into our communities.

Read AMO's Response to MTO’s E-Scooter Pilot Framework


Craig Reid
Senior Advisor