PJ Marshall Awards

The Peter J. Marshall Municipal Innovation Award recognizes those municipal governments demonstrating excellence in the use of innovative approaches to improve capital and/or operating efficiency and to generate effectiveness through alternative service delivery initiatives and partnerships. 

The Award’s objective is to showcase instances where Ontario municipalities have implemented and can point to tangible, measurable outcomes from new, more cost-effective ways of providing public services and facilities. Awarding and profiling innovation advances creativity and strong municipal government.

Annual Awards 
Up to a maximum of three Plaque Awards will be awarded each year to submissions that best exhibit all of the award’s criteria.  We are looking for innovative achievements related to a capital project or service delivery innovation.  Certificates of Merit may be awarded to other entrants receiving honourable mention.  Plaque winners will have the right to use the designation on all stationery and publications.   

How to Enter 
Complete the entry form available here.

Entries must be received electronically on or before Friday, May 26, 2023. 


The award is open to all Ontario municipal governments. 
Eligible projects could include partnership and alternative service delivery initiatives related to municipal capital projects and maintenance programs for such services as water and wastewater systems, transit, waste disposal, roads, technology solutions, community service facilities and municipal management innovations and other significant operating or service initiatives. 

Innovative projects involving partnerships and alternative service delivery will be considered eligible for the award where the entrant can demonstrate measurable outcomes for the municipal government, its taxpayers, and citizens. 

Award Selection Criteria 

Entries will be judged according to the following general criteria:

 The projects’ innovative features demonstration of:

  • Tangible outcomes
  • Identified and measured benefits that show improved efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery.
  • Effective use of non-traditional sources of revenues or financing
  • Ability to transfer the innovative features and provide ‘lessons learned’ from the project as information for others.

Award Selection Committee 

An Awards Selection Committee will be appointed each year based on names suggested by the Award Program Sponsors.  Award Sponsors include: 
•    Association of Municipalities of Ontario
•    Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
•    Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks & Treasurers of Ontario
•    Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships
•    Municipal Finance Officers’ Association
•    Ontario Municipal Administrators’ Association

Examples of Projects that Have Received Recognition:
•    Prince Edward County - “Innovative Approach for Rural Housing Development”
•    Durham Region – “On Demand transit service”
•    County of Renfrew – “Renfrew County Virtual Triage and Assessment Centre”
•    York Region – “Sewage System Project”

For further information contact Victoria van Veen at: 416-971-9856 ext 315 or email Vvanveen@amo.on.ca