Municipal Elections

When are local elections held? Your Local Government
The next municipal election will be held Monday, October 26, 2026. The last municipal election was held on Monday, October 24, 2022. Where the polling day falls on a holiday, polling day shall be the next succeeding day that is not a holiday.  

Elections for municipal government are held every four years on the fourth Monday of October. Prior to the the passage of the Good Government Act, 2009 and the vote in 2006, the period between elections had been 3 years. For example, 2000, 2003 and 2006 were municipal election years. 

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario legislation (Bill 81, Schedule H), passed in 2006, set the length of terms in office for all municipal elected officials at four years. 

Think about all the services your municipal government is responsible for providing. Roads. Public transit. Child Care. Local policing. Water and sewers. Ambulances. Parks. Recreation. Learn who in your community best represents your position on the issues that mean the most to you and your family.

Check that you are on the voters' list for municipal elections.

Who can vote in elections?

Anyone can vote in a municipal election who, on the day of the election, is: 

  • 18 years of age or older 
  • a Canadian citizen; and 
  • either a resident of the municipality or a property owner or tenant or the spouse or same sex partner of an owner or tenant in the municipality during a specified time just before the election.  

Your name must be on the voters’ list in order for you to cast a ballot.

The voters’ list is prepared in several steps:

  • A preliminary list is created by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) based on data it keeps on home ownership and tenancy.
  • The preliminary list is sent to the municipal clerk after a by-election has been called or in advance of a regular election which occurs every 4 years. The clerk can correct any errors on the list, and the corrected list then becomes the voters’ list.
  • If you are not on the voters’ list, or if your information is incorrect (for example, you have moved and may be listed at a former address), you may apply to have your name added or your information corrected. This may be done until the close of voting on voting day in a regular election or by-election. You may have your name added to the voters’ list at the voting place. You may be asked to show identification to establish that you are eligible to vote. For more information about getting on the voters’ list, you should contact your municipal clerk.

Note: To ensure you are on the voters’ list for municipal and school board elections, you may also visit

Who can be a candidate?

  • Candidate must be a resident of the municipality or a non-resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality or the spouse of such non-resident owner or tenant;
  • a Canadian citizen and at least 18 years old;
  • not legally prohibited from voting;  and not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.
  • You will need 25 signatures on your nomination form and must pay a fee of $100 ($200 for mayor).

When you think about candidates for federal or provincial elections, you usually think about the political party that each candidate represents. In municipal elections in Ontario, candidates are not elected to represent a political party. 

Election Calendar

2021-2023 AMCTO Municipal Elections Calendar. This calendar represents AMCTO’s best efforts to capture key requirements and considerations for the upcoming planning for municipal election administrators. The calendar does not claim to be perfect and all items should be verified independently by the legislation/regulations or among peers. Please note this is archival material. 



Lead Where You Live: A guide on running for municipal council

Elected municipal leaders play a vital role in making sure that communities are healthy and successful, socially and economically. Councils shape priorities, ensure accountability to the public, and represent the people who elect them. They provide a democratic forum for diverse perspectives and experiences to be heard, so that better decisions are made and good governance is maintained. Having people with a variety of backgrounds and lived experiences on council helps the municipality better meet the needs of all residents and businesses.

If you are thinking of running for election in 2022, AMO's guide will introduce you to some of the key steps in that process. It will also give you a sense of what life is like as an elected member of a municipal council.



We all Win: Diversity on Council

We all Win: Diversity on Council

We all win identifier


We all win when there are more diverse voices at council.

When we have a diversity of genders and identities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, ages, races and abilities at municipal council, we can create more inclusive and sustainable communities.

To encourage more diversity in the upcoming 2022 municipal election, AMO has created this resource to share more about municipal government as well as supports available for those interested in running for municipal office.

Learn about the campaign.


On municipal council, you can use your experience and skills to make a positive impact and shape your community today and tomorrow. Meet just a few of the municipal officials who are the leading the way to creating more diverse Council tables.



How Municipal Government Works in Ontario Ontario Municipal Elections Ontario Municipalities
How Local Government Works in Ontario Ontario Municipal Elections Ontario Municipalities