Natasha Salonen

Natasha Salonen was elected the first female Mayor of Wilmot in October 2022. Natasha is also the youngest female mayor in Ontario history, being elected at 27. In her role as Mayor, she also serves as a Regional Councillor.

As a first-time politician, Natasha is no stranger to politics, having worked in Federal and Provincial government starting in 2012. Natasha brings professional knowledge from working for various Members of Parliament, most recently being in the Minister’s Office at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, before being elected Mayor.

Natasha has a BA in Human Sciences from the University of Oxford, UK, where she was very active in student government. Apart from her years of study abroad, Natasha is a lifelong resident of Wilmot Township, currently residing in her family home in Baden.

In her short time as Mayor Natasha has become an advocate for attainable and accessible housing, fiscal responsibility, youth voice in government, community building, and enhancing the quality and diversity of political candidates.