Occupational Health and Safety Management Program and Training

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Build a Strong and Sustainable Safety Culture

An innovative Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) advisory firm, 4S is the only workplace safety services provider that helps its clients build a strong and sustainable safety culture. 4S’ revolutionary approach of integrating software, consulting, and training from senior management to frontline workers has been making a difference for its clients.

4S clients include large Fortune 500 companies, municipal governments, and small & medium enterprises (SMEs) in Canada.

From Safety Compliance to Culture

4SafeCom™ Online Safety Training & Management System

  • Seamlessly integrates safety into the workflow of your business
  • Organize certificates and documents in an easily accessible format
  • Store and manage employee training and qualifications
  • Track acknowledgement of policies and procedures
  • Get 24-7 technical support

OHS consulting tailored for municipalities

  • Perform gap analysis or audit of the OHS program
  • Conduct hazard assessment for all tasks
  • Implement and manage your hazard analysis results in a live OHS program
  • Develop your health and safety manual, Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs), site inspections, and more

“4S provided consulting services to develop Health & Safety procedures for our Waste Management Services for implementing our OHS Management System. We appreciate the work involved in this project.”
Ben Morris, HBSc, Supervisor, Waste Collection Operations, Halton Region


OHS training for municipalities: flexible options

  • CPO-approved online JHSC training
  • CPO-approved Blended Working at Heights training
  • 100+ online & in-class OHS training courses
  • CLICK HERE to know more about 4S training services.


Program Process

  • AMO staff are happy to help manage the process, send us an e-mail to get started
  • Contact 4S directly if that’s easier – please contact the person listed below

Program Cost

  • Contact AMO or 4S and receive special offers at preferred pricing


Managing Occupational Health & Safety Easily and Effectively

Managing Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) due diligence through a comprehensive OHS program can be challenging, regardless of the size of the municipality. 4S is pleased to offer a program tailored for smaller municipalities to ensure they are in compliance with OHS


News Release


Meagan Khan 
Business Development Manager

T 416.971.9856 x333
TF 1.877.426.6527

Shaunak Datt
Digital Marketing Specialist
4S Consulting Services Inc.
T 905.532.1488