Navigating Conflict Relationships as an Elected Official 2.0

Event Date
May 05, 2025 - 12:00 PM (EDT) to May 06, 2025 - 2:30 PM (EDT)
Advanced Strategies for Elected Officials to Master Conflict Relationships
(NCR 2.0) - Advanced Mastery for Handling More Complex Situations

Elected officials face innumerable situations where conflict and difficult conversations can rise. Some can feel more complex than others. Building on AMO’s in demand training, Navigating Conflict Relationships as an Elected Official, Advanced Strategies for Elected Officials to Master Conflict Relationships (NCR 2.0), will take you to the next level of negotiating one of the more difficult aspects of local leadership: relationships. 

In NCR 1.0, participants developed their understanding on:

  • what makes relationships difficult to navigate when conflict is involved;
  • why they occur and how to manage them
  • key skills of listening
  • acknowledging, and asking the right questions to unpack and focus on interests instead of positions; and
  • the structure and proper sequencing of conversations along with how best to be both empathetic and assertive.

Advanced Strategies for Elected Officials to Master Conflict Relationships (NCR 2.0) will build participants understanding and skills in the complex dynamic of relationships. NCR 2.0 will explore:

  • How best to prepare for a difficult conversation.
  • Additional conversation tools that can be used to move the conversation to positive results.
  • A multi-faceted questioning technique that zeroes in on the core areas where the causes of the conflict and impasse lie.
  • Participants will also walk along the Resolution Pathway, a robust and comprehensive step-based process that ties everything together from start to finish and, if followed, is guaranteed to lead to a positive conclusion and relationship.
Who Should Attend?

Advanced Strategies for Elected Officials to Master Conflict Relationships (NCR 2.0) builds on Navigating Conflict Relationships for Elected Officials (NCR 1.0). If you completed NCR 1.0 and are ready for the next steps in advancing your management of conflict relationships, this workshop is for you, this training is for you.

NCR 2.0 Learning Objectives
  • Properly preparing for a conflict conversation
  • Developing greater questioning skills by examining the root causes of behavior (including broken promises) using a model that contains six sources of influence.
  • Learning advanced, effective, and practical communication tools, to address more complex situations including:
  • Managing the angry person / the angry public
  • Dealing with confrontation
  • Delivering bad news
  • How to say “No”
  • Understanding unconscious bias
  • Unpacking the importance of the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
  • Dealing with resistance

Participants will also learn a comprehensive step-based process known as the Resolution Pathway that ties everything together from the initial and advanced workshops to get you to a collaborative agreement which simultaneously addresses both your interests and those of the other party.


NCR 2.0 takes place over 2 consecutive half days and is offered virtually.

  • Part 1 (2.5 hours on-line) via Zoom
  • Part 2 (2.5 hours on-line) via Zoom
Session Facilitator: Sharad Kerur

Sharad Kerur

Date: May 5 & 6, 2025
Timing: 12:00pm - 2:30pm
Location: Virtual Event
Fee: $400 +HST
Cancellation fee: $75.00 (up to 1 week prior to event)

Register here


AMO requires a certain threshold of attendance for the viability of workshops. If we are unable to meet this threshold 2 weeks in advance of the scheduled workshop, the workshop will be cancelled with AMO making all efforts for the workshop to be rescheduled. All registered attendees will be notified in a timely way.

