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Public Sector Meeting Management Software Buyer’s Guide
A comprehensive guide for choosing a public sector meeting management vendor that will increase efficiency, optimize collaboration, and boost transparency.

Upcoming eScribe Webinars
A collection of free educational webinars open to the public and specifically created to help improve the effectiveness of boards of directors and their leaders.

Discussion Paper: Guide to the New Norm for Successful Civic Meetings
Even as restrictions on in-person gatherings are eased and councils start returning to chambers and meeting rooms, ongoing needs of maintaining physical distancing, accommodating vulnerable participants and preparing for future emergencies will continue to make hybrid meetings essential for modern democracy. To ensure continuity, efficiency, and effectiveness, the “new norm” must seamlessly integrate both virtual and physical meeting environments into a single, unified meeting experience. This paper explores the key requirements for future civic meetings and approaches for successfully managing them.

Discussion Paper - Taking Electronic Voting to the Next Level with Meeting Management
Recognizing the evident inefficiency of manual voting, many organizations are opting to switch to electronic voting methods. However, when making such a switch, it is important to remember that not all electronic alternatives offer equal functionality, management options, and transparency. The paper outlines the advantages, for both councilors and citizens, of adopting integrated meeting management voting over standalone devices.

Discussion Paper - Webcasting’s Crucial Role in Public Sector’s Meeting New Normal
Physical distancing requirements and the move to virtual and hybrid meetings have made the role of webcasting in public sector transparency more important than ever before. Citizens and stakeholders who previously could have attended meetings themselves now rely on webcasts as their window into the proceedings. Replicating the transparency of the in-person experience means showing more than just talking heads, while webcasts’ elevated importance requires the detailed contingency planning befitting a high-visibility live event. This paper explores these concepts in detail, including key technical elements that should be factored into public sector organizations’ contingency approaches.

eScribe Customer Success Stories
Learn how other Ontario municipalities have taken advantage of the eScribe technology to save resources and time with their meetings. Find out how they made the decision to reduce reliance on paper and manual processes.

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