With spring underway, Hydro One is reminding communities across Ontario to prepare for the potential risk of localized flooding. The Community Relations team is here to support your community in the event of a flood.

If your community experiences flooding and is served by Hydro One, we encourage you to reach out to us, so we can provide you with updates.

Ontario Hydro can be reached by phone at 1.877.345.6799 or by email at Community.Relations@HydroOne.com.

We encourage you and your constituents to consider these tips to help protect against flooding.

Consider removing any debris from gutters or eaves troughs and downspouts.

If residents have a sump pump, ensure regular maintenance so it's ready if needed. Sump pumps require electricity, so consider a backup power source, such as a battery or generator. 

Keep snow at least two feet away from the home's exterior walls to help protect the foundation.

Visit our website on flood safety.