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The provincial government’s assertion that the housing supply crisis can be solved by limiting municipal access to infrastructure financing, eliminating environmental protections or changes to municipal governance is unsound. Ontario has seen successive provincial governments favor income tax cuts over investments in people and downloading of expenditures on property taxpayers to conceal provincial underspending.

In 2023, people in big cities, small towns and rural communities across Ontario are seeing the direct results of these provincial policies and choices by successive provincial governments over the past three decades.

Hearing from municipal councils and members of the public in your communities will be a critical part of calling on the provincial government for action on housing and homelessness.

To support this effort, AMO is encouraging municipal governments and District Social Service Administration Boards to support the messages in AMO’s Pre-Budget Submission.

To help with this effort, municipalities, DSSABs, and municipal associations are asked to consider passing a Council resolution in advance of or close to the provincial budget, on March 23, 2023.

Local organizations are encouraged to join our open letter campaign by sending a letter to Premier Ford calling on the provincial government to end homelessness. Please copy AMO on your letters.

AMO is also inviting elected officials and municipal staff to attend an in-person Ending Homelessness Symposium on May 3 & 4, 2023. Check out our events page for more information on the program topics and how to register.

A media toolkit has also been developed:

For more information please contact Amber Crawford (acrawford@amo.on.ca) on housing, or Michael Jacek (mjacek@amo.on.ca) on ending homelessness.

On March 18th, the following open letter was published as a full page advertisement in the Globe and Mail. 

Image of the Full-Page Ad AMO Submitted to the Globe and Mail for Publication on Saturday, March 18, 2023




Michael Jacek
Senior Advisor


Daniela Spagnuolo
Policy Advisor