Breadcrumb Home / About Us / Programs / OpenData Municipalities - At large vs Ward List of municipalities that are At large or Ward, or both. Status at 2018 Municipal Elections. 2022 Municipal Election - Municipal Data This dataset contains municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout, voting methods and other municipal election statistics. Publisher: Government of Ontario Licence: Open Government Licence – Ontario Number of Members on Council for the 2022-2026 Municipal Election Year Number of Members on Council (including Head of Council) for the 2022-2026 Municipal Election Year & Municipal Population (Population Source: 2021 Census Canada) 2022 Municipal Election - All Vote Methods by Municipality Seats on Council The chart illustrates the number of municipalities with different number of council seats. There is a minimum of five members of council, one of whom is the head of council. 45% or 195 of all 444 municipalities in Ontario have a council size of 5 members.