Breadcrumb Home / About Us / Programs / OpenData Size of Municipal Council and Population This data set includes a list of all municipalities, by tier (Lower Tier, Separated, Single Tier and Upper Tier), size of council for the 2018-22 election year, including population (2016 Census) Youth Population The data set contains the youth population per municipality. Source: MPAC and Stats Can and 2019 FIRS. Municipal Populations Number of Municipalities by Population Range Number of Municipalities by Tier Municipal Information & Data Analysis System The Municipal Information & Data Analysis System (MIDAS) is a web-based tool that provides access to raw municipal Financial Information Return (FIR) schedule data for all Ontario municipalities. The FIR is the main data collection tool used by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to collect financial and statistical information on municipalities. MIDAS converts FIR data into reports. Municipalities - At large vs Ward List of municipalities that are At large or Ward, or both. Status at 2018 Municipal Elections. Number of Members on Council for the 2022-2026 Municipal Election Year Number of Members on Council (including Head of Council) for the 2022-2026 Municipal Election Year & Municipal Population (Population Source: 2021 Census Canada) Seats on Council The chart illustrates the number of municipalities with different number of council seats. There is a minimum of five members of council, one of whom is the head of council. 45% or 195 of all 444 municipalities in Ontario have a council size of 5 members.