Breadcrumb Home / About Us / Programs / OpenData 2018 Municipal Election - Vote Methods How votes are cast continues to move to technology-based methods. 178 municipal governments will use internet/phone method, which is 84 more than the previous election. The use of mail-in ballots this election has dropped by 46% and likely reflects a move to a method that is safe from a postal strike. Chart 5 illustrates the predominant methods used. Municipal Information & Data Analysis System The Municipal Information & Data Analysis System (MIDAS) is a web-based tool that provides access to raw municipal Financial Information Return (FIR) schedule data for all Ontario municipalities. The FIR is the main data collection tool used by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to collect financial and statistical information on municipalities. MIDAS converts FIR data into reports. 2018 Municipal Election Results - Candidate Data This dataset contains Municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout (%), alternative voting methods and other municipal election statistics. 2018 Municipal Election - Municipal Data This dataset contains Municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout (%), alternative voting methods and other municipal election statistics. 2018 Ontario Municipal Election Voter Turnout With Population 2022 Municipal Election - Municipal Data This dataset contains municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout, voting methods and other municipal election statistics. Publisher: Government of Ontario Licence: Open Government Licence – Ontario 2022 Municipal Election - Successful Candidate Data as of Voting Day This data file contains municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): name of candidate that was successful in obtaining office, number of votes and other municipal election statistics. Publisher: Government of Ontario Licence: Open Government Licence – Ontario 2022 Municipal Election - All Vote Methods by Municipality