Ontario’s Municipal Leadership Shines on International Women’s Day: Ontario’s Major Municipal Organizations Led by Women

March 8, 2025 (Toronto) – As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2025, it is a historic moment for municipal leadership in Ontario. For the first time, all major municipal associations in the province are chaired by women, demonstrating the strength, dedication, and leadership of women in local government.

The women at the helm of Ontario’s municipal organizations include:

  • Mayor Robin Jones, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
  • Mayor Christa Lowry, Chair, Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA)
  • Mayor Amy Martin, Chair, Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (WOWC)
  • Warden Bonnie Clarke, Chair, Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC)
  • Mayor Marianne Meed Ward, Chair, Ontario Big City Mayors (OBCM)
  • Chair Karen Redman, Chair, Mayors and Regional Chairs of Ontario (MARCO)
  • Mayor Wendy Landry, President, Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA)

This unprecedented leadership milestone is further supported by a strong network of dedicated women who provide strategic direction and operational support to these organizations, including:

  • Lindsay Jones, Director of Policy and Government Relations (AMO)
  • Petra Wolfbeiss, Director, AMO Membership Centre (ROMA)
  • Kate Burns Gallagher, Executive Director (WOWC)
  • Meredith Staveley-Watson, Director of Government Relations and Policy (EOWC)
  • Michelle Baker, Executive Director (OBCM)
  • Margot Cragg, Executive Director (MARCO)

Together, these women are shaping the future of municipalities across Ontario, advocating for strong local governance, and ensuring that communities—both rural and urban—are equipped to thrive.

Since 2021, AMO has spearheaded a Healthy Democracy Project that promotes the importance of municipal government as well as greater participation by people of different backgrounds, genders, identities and ages in municipal governments. It strives to foster promote healthy and respectful democratic debate. 

“On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the contributions of women across governments who champion the needs of municipalities and residents across Ontario,” said AMO President Robin Jones. “ As women in leadership, we also know that too many good people leave politics because it can be particularly hostile to women. We are committed to working with our colleagues across all orders of government to strengthen our democracy.”

“Coordinated efforts to improve gender representation in government are effective. It’s a credit to the countless women who run for office, whether they win or lose. It’s a credit to the grassroots organizations that support women candidates who run for elected office,” said ROMA Chair Christa Lowry. “It’s also a reminder that our work isn’t done. We must keep working to build – and protect – healthy local democracy based on robust, respectful debate.”


The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) aims to make municipal governments stronger and more effective through advocacy, training and events, and business services. Through AMO, Ontario’s 444 municipalities work together to achieve shared goals and meet common challenges. www.amo.on.ca 

Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) takes pride in promoting, supporting and enhancing strong and effective rural governments. About 270 of Ontario's 444 municipalities have populations of less than 10,000, while scores more are rural in character. The rural arm of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, ROMA advocates for policies and programs that will help build thriving rural Ontario communities. www.roma.on.ca

The Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (WOWC) is a not-for-profit organization representing fifteen upper and single-tier municipalities in Southwestern Ontario, representing more than 1.6 million residents. The WOWC aims to enhance the prosperity and overall wellbeing of rural and small urban communities across the region. Caucus members work collectively to influence federal and provincial legislation and programs through advocacy, research, analysis and education. www.wowc.ca

The Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) is a non-profit organization advocating for 103 small urban and rural municipalities across eastern Ontario. The EOWC covers an area of 50,000 square kilometres, serving 800,000 residents. For more than 20 years, the EOWC has gained support and momentum by speaking with a united voice to champion regional municipal priorities and work with the government, businesses, non-profit organizations, Indigenous leaders, the media, and the public. www.eowc.org

Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM) is comprised of mayors of Ontario cities with populations of 100,000 or more. Collectively, Ontario’s Big City Mayors represent nearly 70% of Ontario’s population. OBCM provides a voice for big city mayors in policy debates that impact Ontario cities. Through policy development, advocacy, discussion and partnerships, Ontario’s Big City Mayors support strong and effective cities. www.ontariobigcitymayors.ca

The Mayors and Regional Chairs of Ontario (MARCO) brings together sixteen regional municipalities and large, single-tier cities, representing over 10.6 million Ontarians and 75% of the province’s population. MARCO members deliver services that underpin Ontarians' most urgent priorities and touch every stage of people's lives—including trade- and housing-enabling infrastructure, police, public health, homelessness supports and social housing, childcare and long-term care beds. www.marcontario.ca 

The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) was organized in 1946, incorporated on September 18, 2001, and is made up of four components: the Kenora District Municipal Association, the Rainy River District Municipal Association, the Thunder Bay District Municipal League and the City of Thunder Bay. Other than the City of Thunder Bay, membership is attained by being a member of the district organization. The area we represent extends from the City of Kenora in the west to the Town of Hearst in the east. www.noma.on.ca

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Media Contact: Farah Tayabali, AMO/ROMA Media Contact, 416-570-8413, tayabali@redbrick.ca

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