AMO Board Approves Indigenous-Municipal Relationship Agreement Guidance Document for Municipalities
Municipal leaders are being looked to set the tone and be part of the constructive societal change in Indigenous Relations that is needed and expected. A question we have been hearing from members is how municipal governments leaders and staff can support the healing, learning, and restoration needed to strengthen reconciliation with Indigenous friends, neighbours, and communities.
Relationship Agreements can be helpful in building relationships and identifying areas of mutual concern and interest. By going through the process of creating an agreement, municipalities and Indigenous communities can continue (or begin) the process of developing mutual understanding and ongoing conversations. Completing this process will better equip all those involved to engage in meaningful, respectful conversations and solutions when issues do arise.
A guidance document is now available to support AMO members in creating Indigenous-Municipal Relationship Agreements. It was developed by the AMO Indigenous Relations Task Force and recently approved by the AMO Board of Directors. The goal of a relationship agreement is the establishment a long-term relationship of practical cooperation and commitment that is respectful of the Indigenous community. The agreement must also recognize the need for ongoing compatibility, coordination, and understanding between the parties.
Since August 2021, the AMO Board has endorsed three documents to support our members in establishing and strengthening relationships with Indigenous communities. All three documents, including the Indigenous-Municipal Relationship Agreements, can be accessed here.