Photo of Solar Panels on a snow-covered ground courtesy of Braeson Holland

Provincial Election Tracking and Guidance for Municipal Energy Decisions

Policy Update

AMO Election Tracking Update 

AMO is currently tracking provincial election commitments made public in 2025 that relate to AMO’s election advocacy on the AMO website. Recent announcements on our election priorities from this week on the campaign are listed below. Please consult each party’s website and local candidate communications for the full party commitments. 

Tackle root causes of homelessness

  • The NDP announced their strategy to end encampments in Ontario 
  • The Liberal Party committed to permanently double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits and index them to inflation. 
  • The Green Party supported AMO’s calls for long-term housing solutions that would end homelessness and committed to doubling Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) rates and tie all future increases to inflation. 

Curb reliance on municipal property taxes to fund provincial responsibilities

  • The NDP committed to uploading shelter funding to the province 

Invest in local infrastructure needed to grow

  • The PC Party committed to investing an additional $22 billion in infrastructure projects 

AMO will be providing updates to our tracking of commitments every Friday until election day on February 27. 


AMO Releases Guidance for Municipal Energy Decisions 

Municipalities have an increasingly important role in hosting electricity projects to meet a projected 75% increase in electricity demand and to support the use of Ontario’s energy exports as a key lever in tariff and trade negotiations. 

To empower municipalities in this role, AMO has released new guidance resources:  

Developed with input from municipalities experienced in energy projects, the provincial government, Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), and other energy sector partners, this guidance is timely because energy developers have begun to engage with municipalities about the upcoming Long-Term 2 Energy Procurement (“LT2”). Developers pursuing energy stream projects (e.g. renewable energy generation, natural gas, etc.) must have municipal support by October 2025, and for the capacity stream (e.g. battery energy storage systems) by December 2025. 

