Municipal Resources on Conservation Authorities Act Regulations
The following regulations and policy have been filed under the Conservation Authorities Act:
Phase One - October 2021 | Phase Two - April 2022 |
Resources to Assist with Implementation
Municipal governments involved in the transition to the new municipal - CA funding framework are encouraged to use the following resources:
Fact Sheets
AMO has prepared Fact Sheets that explain the changes made as part of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 regulatory changes. We encourage municipal Councils that have a CA(s) within their jurisdiction to carefully review the following:
1. Overview of Changes to Conservation Authorities
2. Transition Plan and Timelines
3. Mandatory Programs and Services (Category 1)
4. Municipal Programs & Services (Category 2)
5. Other Conservation Authorities Programs & Services (Category 3)
Information Webinars
AMO and Conservation Ontario jointly presented on the Phase I regulations under the CA Act. The recording of the presentation can be viewed on Conservation Ontario's YouTube account.
A similar joint webinar that explains the Phase 2 regulations that occurred on June 22, 2022. The recording can also be viewed on Conservation Ontario's YouTube account.
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks have also gave webinars. Contact them directly at ca.office@ontario.ca for more information and a copy of the presentation.
AMO Documents and Submissions
The following submissions have been presented by AMO to the province for its consideration about changes to the Conservation Authorities Act.
- Comments on Regulatory Proposals (Phase II) under the CA Act (ERO #019-4610) - February 25, 2022
- Comments on Regulatory Proposals (Phase I) under the CA Act (ERO #019-2986) - June 25, 2021
- Comments on Schedule 6 (CA Act) of Bill 229 (Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act, 2020)
- Comments on Schedule 2 (CA Act) of Bill 108 (More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019)
In addition to submissions, AMO has also created an informational backgrounder document on the Transition to the New Funding and Framework under the Conservation Authorities Act.