Updated Advocacy on Property Tax Reassessment
Last week, AMO collaborated with industry partners to put forward a call to the Premier to make a prompt return to the assessment cycle. The letter highlights the pause on reassessment as the last COVID-19 restriction and presents the province with the opportunity to partner with the private and public sectors to successfully transition back to stabilize and make taxes more predictable. For both municipalities and businesses, a well-functioning and up-to-date assessment system supports strong communities and makes Ontario an attractive place to invest.
AMO encourages members to engage their MPPs in advance of the AMO Conference to urge the government to formally commit to a reassessment date.
Key Messages to Share with your MPPs
A well-functioning and up-to-date assessment system supports strong communities and makes Ontario an attractive place to invest.
The ongoing delay in reassessment is compromising the province’s economic competitiveness.
Leadership from the government on reassessment is critical to supporting the resilient and continued growth of the provincial economy we all rely on.