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September 26, 2024

In This Issue

  • Apply for the Community Emergency Preparedness Grant.
  • Call for proposals on gender-based violence.
  • Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
  • Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund - webinar.
  • Knowledge Exchange on Community and Supportive Housing - October 1-2.
  • Advanced Councillor Training: Community Engagement Strategic Approaches - October 2.
  • Indigenous Community Awareness training - October virtual workshop.
  • Managing Communications through Crisis - October virtual workshop.
  • Navigating Conflict Relationships as an Elected Official - October workshop. 
  • Foundations in Land Use Planning & Advanced Land Use Planning - October virtual workshops.
  • Lighting upgrades for 2025 - we’ve got you covered!
  • From energy treasure hunt to real energy savings!
  • What municipal staff need to know about cyber risk.
  • Blog: The Countdown to Accessibility has Started, Is Your Website Ready?
  • Sewer & Water Line Warranty Program helped Windsor resident save money.
  • IESO procurement for municipalities and indigenous communities.
  • Careers. 

September 19, 2024

In This Issue

  • Apply for the Community Emergency Preparedness Grant.
  • Call for proposals on gender-based violence.
  • Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
  • Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund - webinar.
  • Cybersecurity for Municipal Councillors virtual workshop - September 24.
  • Managing Communications through Crisis - October virtual workshop.
  • Navigating Conflict Relationships as an Elected Official - October workshop.
  • Knowledge Exchange on Community and Supportive Housing - October 1-2.
  • Foundations in Land Use Planning & Advanced Land Use Planning - October virtual workshops.
  • Advanced Councillor Training workshops.
  • Understanding Competing Human Rights - September 26 workshop.
  • Indigenous Community Awareness training.
  • Roads budgets made simple.
  • Transitioning to Net Zero Buildings with LAS.
  • Policing Board discussion groups.
  • Learn about food waste reduction by businesses.
  • Blue Box Transition engagement session.
  • Careers. 


September 12, 2024

In This Issue

  • Municipal World hosts AMO 2024 Conference podcast series.
  • Funding is now available for flood hazard mapping.
  • Call for proposals on gender-based violence.
  • Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
  • New Housing-Enabling Core Servicing Fund - webinar.
  • Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund - webinar.
  • Municipal Codes of Conduct virtual workshop - September 19.
  • Cybersecurity for Municipal Councillors virtual workshop - September 24.
  • Managing Communications through Crisis - October virtual workshop.
  • Navigating Conflict Relationships as an Elected Official - October workshop.
  • Knowledge Exchange on Community and Supportive Housing - October 1-2.
  • Foundations in Land Use Planning & Advanced Land Use Planning - October virtual workshops.
  • Our bright idea for your 2025 Budget.
  • Transitioning to Net Zero Buildings with LAS.
  • Blog: Harnessing the Power of AI to Redefine Public Engagement.
  • Policing Board discussion groups.
  • Learn about food waste reduction by businesses.
  • Blue Box Transition engagement session.
  • Opportunity to help project researching future municipal energy needs.
  • Careers. 


September 5, 2024

In This Issue

  • Call for proposals on gender-based violence.
  • Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
  • New Housing-Enabling Core Servicing Fund - Webinar.
  • Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund - Webinar.
  • AMO Knowledge Exchange on Community & Supportive Housing Symposium.
  • Plan your fall education schedule.
  • AMO’s Healthy Democracy Forum.
  • Blog: My Experience as a Co-op Student with LAS.
  • Transitioning to Net Zero Buildings with LAS.
  • Join Canada’s National Disaster Expo.
  • Why mediation matters: Improving outcomes in FOI appeals.
  • Sewer Safety Week - September 16-20.
  • Register today for OMSSA’s 2024 Forum!
  • Blue Box Transition engagement session.
  • Opportunity to help project researching future municipal energy needs.
  • Careers. 

August 29, 2024

In This Issue

  • Thank-you to everyone who made AMO125 a success!
  • Launching Municipal Workforce Development Project Roadmap.
  • Call for proposals on gender-based violence.
  • Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
  • AMO Knowledge Exchange on Community & Supportive Housing Symposium.
  • Plan your fall education schedule.
  • AMO’s Healthy Democracy Forum.
  • Canoe webinar: Accessible Facilities with RothIAMS.
  • The Sewer and Water Line Warranty helped a Windsor homeowner.
  • Blog: What is job order contracting? 
  • Foundations for a Municipal Investment Strategy training.
  • McMaster Careers in Municipalities project.
  • Substance Use Crisis Summit for elected officials.
  • Blue Box Transition engagement session.
  • Opportunity to help project researching future municipal energy needs.
  • Careers.